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 Our Beatles Tributes

Hey Jude The Tribute (Upstate NY)
present the look, the sound and the excitement of The Beatles and the music that became the soundtrack for a whole generation. 

 Both Ticket To Ride USA (from Connecticut) & Hey Jude the Tribute  ( Upstate NY) performances can be customized to fit the size and budget of your event, from concert/festival venues to more formal events. Ticket To Ride as well as Hey Jude the Tribute are able to perform locally and nationally bringing Beatle music to audiences of all sizes and ages for just about any occasion. 

Ideal events include: 

Public Events - Theaters, Festivals, music in the park concerts, tribute/specialty shows, openings, first nights, dinner theater Classic Rock Revivals, and more. 

Personal/Private Events -  Reunions,  anniversaries, memorials and parties. 

Corporate Events - Holiday parties, seminars, conventions and other corporate related functions. 

Galleries and Libraries - An oral and musical history tour through the songs and artistry of The Beatles